Don’t Look At Your Knees When in Downward Dog

I am not a Yoga person. I’ve tried it, I do it, it’s good for me. It’s TOUGH! I’m not a super fan, though, like many others. It’s a personality thing, I guess. Like I say, I think it’s good for us all to do and I like benefits from it, like body control, so I do it and promote it.

There are a few caveats in practicing yoga that I think you should know, especially if you’re of a “certain age” (or “seasoned” as my nephew says). One of the most important is: do NOT look down at your knees and thighs if you’re in Downward Dog. I teach a class with my nephew and the yoga instructor at our studio that is a combination of strength training and yoga. We call it NamaStrength. Since I am one of the creators of the class, I feel it necessary for me to take part when I can on the yoga segments. Like I say, it’s tremendous for body control and quite humbling. One day we were going through one of the Warrior Flows, I went to Downward Dog, I looked at my legs….and thought I found a Shar Pei puppy between my tibia and hip. Now, my legs have always been the part of my body that I can manage to look great no matter what. I get compliments on them even at my age. But this?! Yikes!

Well, I kept going. We went on to Chaturanga, which is basically a slow, negative push up. I did it perfectly, slowly and under control (on my fists since my left wrist won’t bend properly). I also continued through the rest of the class in the same manner.

So I figure, okay, so I have Shar Pei thighs, as well as other parts of my body. It happens. I’m 60 and plan to continue moving and working until I drop permanently. As long as I do that, I’m going to have to accept the evidence of passing years.

But I no longer look down while in Downward Dog.